Pre 2023 Terms & Conditions (Not currently valid)

Refer to these Terms & Conditions, if needed, if you booked your Wayfairer travel before 01 Jan 2023. Our active Terms & Conditions can be found at the bottom of every website page.

Nature of travel

Wayfairer Travel specialises in trips which run mostly in developing and in many cases remote areas. You must be aware of the possible dangers of this type of travel (e.g limited medical facilities in some areas, mountain and river travel, non-standard accommodation), and that conditions can mean a greater risk of discomfort, sickness, theft, natural disaster etc. Standards of health and safety and local regulations are not what we expect in Western Europe or North America. Recommendation or inclusion of an accommodation or service in our brochure, on our website, in an itinerary, or any other promotional material, does not imply that this accommodation or service has been inspected by us, nor that it conforms to any particular health and safety standards. However, we endeavour to visit all of our accommodations regularly. You can ask our team to find out the last time an accommodation was inspected directly by a member of our team.

It is important to remember that you travel at your own risk, and Wayfairer  is not to be held responsible for any accident to you or your property, unless shown to be as a result of negligence by Wayfairer. Delays and unexpected cancellations can and do happen, meaning loss of time or changes of plan. Similarly our suppliers may withdraw facilities we have advertised as available without letting us know in advance of your trip. We cannot be held responsible for such situations, nor are we liable for refunds. This is all part of this type of travel. The itineraries shown should be viewed as an aim rather than a definite objective as the need for flexibility is an important part of these trip.  

Ground arrangements

Wayfairer have made it clear on this website and your itinerary paperwork that delays and changes to methods of transport are common throughout the regions we operate in and that they can run below operational standards that would be regarded as normal in much of the developed world. We cannot accept any claim for indirect or consequential loss arising from the failure of transport suppliers to conform either to timetables supplied by us or to their own timetables. We cannot accept any claim for shock, loss, distress, whether mental or financial, arising from deviations from operational standards by 3rd party transport suppliers whose services form part of our itineraries (whether original or amended). Please note that the times of road and rail departures are estimates only.

Various standards of preparation and certain levels of fitness are required for many of our more adventurous itineraries - it is each individual participant’s responsibility to assess their own suitability and to prepare themselves to a suitable level for any of our itineraries. We are unable to refund any money in respect of services from which you withdraw after arrival. With reasonable notice, alternative versions of most of our activities can be organised for our customers and we will endeavour to assist in all reasonable instances.  

If you are in any doubt about whether you should travel on any of our itineraries, you should consult your medical adviser.


The flight timings given in your confirmed itinerary are for general guidance only and are subject to change. The latest timings will be shown on your tickets, which you will receive in you pre-departure travel documents. You must accordingly check your tickets very carefully immediately on receipt. It is possible that flight times may be changed even after tickets have been dispatched – we will contact you as soon as possible if this occurs. We are not always in a position to confirm the airline, aircraft type and airport of destination which will be used in connection with any flight included in your holiday. When this information is provided at the time of booking or subsequently, it is subject to change.

Any such change will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying our normal charges. We are not in a position to assist in the event of a delay. The airline will be responsible for making any necessary arrangements. If your flight is cancelled or delayed, your baggage is delayed or lost, your flight ticket is downgraded, or boarding is denied by your airline in circumstances which would entitle you to claim compensation against the airline under EC Regulation No 261/2004 (the Denied Boarding Regulations 2004) or the Montreal Convention, you must pursue the airline for the compensation due to you. All sums you receive or are entitled to receive from the airline concerned by virtue of these Regulations represent the full amount of your entitlement to compensation or any other payment arising from such cancellation, delay, loss or delay of baggage, downgrading or denied boarding. This includes any disappointment, distress, inconvenience or effect on any other arrangements. The fact a delay may entitle you to cancel your flight does not automatically entitle you to cancel any other arrangements even where those arrangements have been made in conjunction with your flight.

We have no liability to make any payment to you in relation to the Denied Boarding Regulations or the Montreal Convention, or in respect of any flight cancellation or delay, downgrading of any flight ticket, loss or delay of baggage or denial of any boarding - as the full amount of your entitlement to any compensation or other payment (as dealt with above) is covered by the airline's obligations under the Denied Boarding Regulations or the Montreal Convention. If, for any reason, you do not claim against the airline and make a claim for compensation from us, you must, at the time of payment of any compensation to you, make a complete assignment to us of the rights you have against the airline in relation to the claim that gives rise to that compensation payment. If your airline does not comply with these rules you should make a formal complaint – guidance for which can be found at 

Your contract

Bookings are only valid for the dates and routings specified by us and as listed on your booking confirmation.  

A contract will exist as soon as payment confirmation is issued by the contract principal, either Wayfairer or by a supplier. If you do not receive your contract by email within a reasonable amount of time, and for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to contact us so a copy can be reissued. This contract is made on the terms of these booking conditions, which are governed by English Law. You may however, choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you wish to do so. When making a booking you guarantee that you have the authority to accept and do accept on behalf of your party the terms of these booking conditions and the booking conditions of any supplier (contract principal) where we are acting as agent.

Whilst Wayfairer has no intention of making alterations or cancelling any travel arrangements made for clients, we reserve the right to substitute alternative transport or accommodation to ensure the completion of any itinerary or in the interest of all our guests’ safety and wellbeing. In the unlikely event that there are changes made to your travel arrangements both before or during you journey, Wayfairer will attempt to inform you by all possible means as soon as possible. Please note that we are not obliged to do this, nor are we obliged to provide compensation if travel arrangements are changed. If your booking is cancelled we will do our utmost to ensure you receive a full and prompt refund. Wayfairer reserves the right to decline any booking.

Financial Protection

Wayfairer Travel Limited is a company committed to customer satisfaction and consumer financial protection. We are therefore pleased to announce that, at no extra cost to you, and in accordance with '' The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018'' all passengers booking with Wayfairer Travel Limited are fully insured for the initial deposit, and subsequently the balance of monies paid as detailed in your booking confirmation form. The policy will also include repatriation if required, arising from the cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of Wayfairer Travel Limited. This insurance has been arranged by The Travel Vault in conjunction with Towergate Travel through Zurich Insurance PLC.

In the unlikely event of Insolvency, you must Inform Towergate Travel immediately on +44 (0) 1932 334140 or by email at . Please ensure you retain the booking confirmation form as evidence of cover and value.

Policy exclusions: This policy will not cover any monies paid for Travel Insurance

Pricing and payment

A booking will be accepted once a non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is received.

All bookings are accepted by a request basis and based on the itinerary and booking details sent to you by your consultant - it is your responsibility to check these details carefully and advise us of any errors immediately.

In certain circumstances there can be a charge for amending any errors.  Receipt of a completed booking form does not imply the availability of any holiday. Whilst your deposit secures your reservation with Wayfairer, it does not guarantee the availability of any hotels or land/water tour services. Your holiday cost can change due to external influences, out of our control, such as hotel availability, exchange rates, fuel surcharges and airlines changing or cancelling services. Final costs are only guaranteed once all services have been confirmed, this is usually after full payment has been made or at least 30 days before departure.

Payment schedule

Over 12 weeks before departure:

A minimum 25% deposit on the full amount of the holiday is due upon booking. If international flights require ticketing, we will ask for this money additionally as part of your deposit payment. The full balance payment will be due at least 12 weeks before departure.  

Within 12 weeks of your departure:

A minimum 25% deposit on the full amount of the holiday is due when booking. Full payment will be required upon confirmation of your holiday availability in most instances when booking within 12 weeks prior to departure date.  

It is your responsibility to ensure that all payment deadlines are met. Wayfairer will endeavour to send out a reminder 1 week prior to your balance payment date. Full payment deadlines are set to protect your booking as all ground operators are within their rights to raise prices and in some instances cancel bookings. If the balance due date is not met, your travel arrangements may be cancelled and you may forfeit your deposit. It is therefore to your advantage to finalise payment as soon as possible. (Please note: these payment terms are liable to change - your consultant will advise you at the time of booking).

Changing or cancelling your booking

Changing your booking

If you wish to alter your booking arrangements, after payment confirmation has been issued we will endeavour to assist in making these changes to your booking. Wayfairer may charge a minimum £50 amendment fee. You should note that it is not always possible to make certain requested amendments. In addition to any charge levied by Wayfairer, the customer will be liable for any additional costs incurred by us or levied by a supplier. 

When making a change, the total cost of your holiday must not drop below 90% of your original total booking amount.

Cancelling your booking

Requests to cancel a booking must be made in writing and signed by the client or emailed directly from the client’s own email account. Please note that full cancellation conditions as specified on your booking will apply and we cannot guarantee a refund. All applicable cancellation fees are shown on the confirmation invoice. Wayfairer reserves the right to apply additional administration fees to any refunds due. Refunds will take approximately 6 weeks to process.

  • Up to 71 days before you depart — 75% refund
  • 31-70 days before you depart — 50% refund
  • 22–30 days before you depart — 25% refund
  • 15–21 days before you depart — 10% refund
  • < 15 days before you depart — 0% refund

Where an additional up-front payment is taken on top of the deposit, and in addition to your 'balance payment', to cover flight payments or other up-front costs that we incur to arrange your holiday, this will be deemed an ‘additional deposit’, and be treated as a part of your non-refundable deposit.

Some hotels do not operate under these conditions and have more restrictive cancellation conditions especially during high season. Wayfairer has to pass these charges on to the client where relevant. Depending on suppliers cancellation policies, the above conditions may be modified.

If the cancellation is not for the entire booking (e.g. just one party member) those cancelling may be liable for any single occupancy costs applied to the other members of the original booking. Any refund does not include visas, visa processing fees and travel insurance which shall be 100% forfeit in all cases.

Additional travel essentials


Please Note: Adequate and valid travel insurance is compulsory for all Wayfairer’s travellers and it is a condition of  booking that you agree you will have obtained adequate and valid travel insurance for your booking by the date of departure. Travel insurance should include cover for your baggage, loss of money, cancellation or curtailment, personal accident, and medical expenses and costs of repatriation up to £2 million (inc. International medical emergency services and air ambulance services).  

We will require your policy number and the 24hr medical emergency contact number of the insurers so that in the event of a medical emergency we may be able to contact the insurers on your behalf. If, at the time of travel, you have failed to provide us with your insurance details or adequate proof of insurance we reserve the right to refuse you travelling with Wayfairer Travel and may treat this as a cancellation by you. 

Official health and entry requirements

We can offer guidance regarding such matters as visas, vaccination certificates and passport requirements for your trip, but you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that you have the correct documentation and that you take all the necessary health precautions before and during your trip. Wayfairer Travel cannot accept responsibility for any costs caused by non-compliance in this matter which may result in your being unable to travel.  

Please check the health and medical requirements for the destinations you are visiting with your medical adviser and arrange any vaccinations and medical certificates prior to your departure. Some countries have legal and/or medical requirements for visitors. Clients are advised that throughout all destinations there is no free health service, and that local vehicle insurance is of limited value.  

The responsibility for obtaining and carrying correct visas, passports and other travel documents remains with the client. Passports should be valid for at least 6 months beyond the date of your intended departure from and hold sufficient pages for any visas, entry and exit stamps.  

Visa and health requirements frequently change and it is advisable to recheck all requirements, close to your departure. It is your responsibility to ensure that you satisfy all applicable requirements in respect of passport, visa and health matters. Wayfairer cannot be held liable if you fail to ensure this; however, we can always offer advice.


Wayfairer accepts all bookings, and arrangements made, subject to the conditions imposed by our operators. All tickets, vouchers and coupons are issued by Wayfairer in its capacity as an agent upon the express conditions that we are not liable to any customers for loss, damage, delay, injury, cancellation or additional expense suffered by the customer whatsoever, or any cause beyond our control shall be occasioned to us or any of its officials and representatives. Wayfairer may cancel, suspend, alter or withdraw a booking at any time prior to when final payment of the holiday is due. Clients agree to comply with the laws and regulations of all the countries visited on any trip, and comply with all reasonable instructions of the guide relating to the safety and organisation of the trip. Clients are advised that local duties and levies are frequently introduced, amended or increased without warning, and whilst we do our best to inform clients of what local costs are likely to be incurred, we cannot guarantee that further costs may be imposed or increased subsequent to our recent information. Such costs remain the client’s responsibility. We cannot be responsible for the safety and well-being of clients or their belongings. Our assistance shall not replace the assistance of the relative Consul responsible for you whilst abroad.  

If the contract with you for your trip is not performed or is improperly performed by Wayfairer or our suppliers we will pay compensation if this has affected the overall enjoyment of the trip. We are not responsible where the failure arises from your own actions or those a third party not connected with the services we have agreed to provide, or are due to Force Majeure as set our below.

Family trips

Parents and legal guardians are ultimately responsible for the welfare of their children and those under there supervision. Neither Wayfairer nor any individual acting on behalf of Wayfairer can be held responsible for the wellbeing of children on our holidays.  

Small Group Trips

Wayfairer reserves the right to cancel these trips up to 30 days before departure where minimum numbers have not been reached. Where possible, we will offer you a chance to take part on the same itinerary using one of our partners. If the cost of this trip is more you will have to pay the additional fee. In no circumstances will we cancel your tour less than 4 weeks before the scheduled departure date except for reasons of late cancellations from other passengers on your departure, force majeure (as defined below) or failure on your part to pay the final balance. We strongly recommend that you make no travel arrangements to your point of departure, make any connecting travel that is non-refundable or non-changeable or incurs penalties or incur any costs in respect of visas or vaccinations until such time as your travel itinerary has been confirmed. If you make such arrangements which you are then unable to use due to a change in your itinerary we shall not be liable to you for the cost of those arrangements.  

If we are forced to cancel your holiday after departure we will, wherever possible, make suitable alternative arrangements. If we are unable to make such alternative arrangements, or you reject these for good reason then we will return you to your point of departure and refund you for any unused services, if appropriate.  

Participation Requirements

All clients are expected to satisfy themselves prior to booking that they are fit and able to complete the itinerary of their chosen holiday as described in the brochure or website. No unaccompanied minors (those under 18 years of age) can be accepted however (a) minors aged between 3 and 17 years maybe accepted if suited providing they are accompanied by a legal guardian who accepts full responsibility for them. Anyone suffering from mobility impairment, illness or disability or undergoing treatment for any physical or medical condition must declare the true nature of such condition at the time of booking and make arrangements for the provision of any medication or other treatment which may be required during the holiday. This is your responsibility and we will not ask you for this. Failure to make such disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and result in such persons being excluded from the holiday in which case all monies paid will be forfeit.  

Photography and Testimonials

Any likeness or image of you secured or taken on any of our holidays may be used by the Wayfairer without charge in all media (whether now existing or in the future invented) for bona fide promotional or marketing purposes, including without limitation promotional materials of any kind such as brochures, slides, video shows or the internet. Any written feedback supplied to Wayfairer may also be used for promotional purposes as detailed above.

If you have a complaint

If you experience any problem during your holiday with Wayfairer, you must immediately inform your guide or our local operator offices making them aware of the situation in order that every effort can be made to correct the problem immediately. A contact telephone number of all local offices will be included in your travel information before your departure. If your complaint cannot be resolved in this manner, then you should contact the UK sales office either by phone on +44 (0)117 313 3300 during office hours or by email and we will endeavour to assist. Upon return, if your complaint has still not been resolved then you should contact Wayfairer, within 28 days of your return, by writing to our Customer Services Dept. Please give your booking number and a full written summary of your concerns. If you fail to do this, Wayfairer will not have had the opportunity to investigate and rectify your complaint and this may affect your rights under this contract. We are unable to consider any claim where any suitable assistance, advice or alternative of our local representatives has been unsought, rejected or ignored. We believe the descriptions of the services and facilities on our website are fair and accurate. In the event of faults or omissions by ourselves or those acting for us, appropriate compensation may be payable. Such cases will not include cases caused by 'Force Majeure'  (see below) and changes in transport timetables.

Force Majure  

At any time Wayfairer may cancel, suspend, alter or withdraw a booking in the event or 'Force Majeure', in which case the client will be refunded monies received by Wayfairer, less any deductions for expenses incurred. Wayfairer cannot accept responsibility or pay any compensation for any loss, delay, cancellation or alteration of travel arrangements caused by circumstances that amount to 'Force Majeure'. This may include war or threat of war, outbreak or threat of disease, denial of border entry for any undocumented reasons, industrial disputes, fire, extreme and adverse weather conditions, natural disaster, riots/civil strife, terrorist activity, decisions relating to foreign nationals made by the elected or de facto leaders of such areas; and such other circumstances beyond Wayfairer’s reasonable control. In such circumstances Wayfairer will do all possible to provide alternative necessary travel arrangements to ensure the safe passage for our clients. Any costs incurred are in addition to the original cost of the existing holiday and it may be required for them to be paid in advance.  

The Website and Hotels  

All information provided on this website is checked by Wayfairer staff and is correct at the time of being published. However, please bear in mind that property owners, hoteliers, restaurateurs, activity operators and organisers etc. may wish to maintain or improve their facilities at any given time. Circumstances such as these, or weather conditions, time of year etc, may cause some of the amenities we have described to be unavailable or different from those advertised on our website. When we are told of any significant or long term changes we will always endeavour to advise you prior to departure and to provide suitable alternatives of an equivalent nature or value.  

If any provision of these conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part of the validity of all other provisions of these conditions and the remainder of the provisions in question shall be affected and shall remain in force. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and any dispute arising shall be determined by the courts within that jurisdiction.